
Sodat Company successfully undertaken Fiber Optic Network Installation over CCTV Camera project under for SomFire Company, aimed to establish a robust surveillance system integrating CCTV cameras with a high-quality fiber optic network. This initiative sought to enhance security and monitoring capabilities while leveraging advanced technology for reliable data transmission.

Another essential function encompassed in the project was the meticulous mapping of routes and key points. Sodat Company meticulously documented and mapped the routes for laying the fiber optic cables, taking into account optimal paths, security considerations, and connectivity requirements for the CCTV cameras. This comprehensive mapping facilitated efficient installation and future maintenance of the network.

 1. Conducting Survey & Assessment of the situation
  • Conduct an extensive survey of the project site to assess the environmental conditions, existing infrastructure, and locations for CCTV camera deployment.
  • Evaluating factors such as terrain, distance, security needs, and power supply availability at camera locations.
  • Document findings and present recommendations for fiber optic tools & kits.
 2. Cable Testing
  • Performing cable testing to ensure the quality and integrity of the fiber optic cables before installation.
  • Conducting cable tests for signal strength, attenuation, and potential faults using specialized equipment.
  • Document and certify the cables that pass quality assurance tests.
 3. Fiber Splicing
  • Preparing for fiber splicing by organizing and aligning cables according to the survey assessment and recommendations.
  • Executing precision fiber splicing to connect segments and maintain signal integrity across the network.
  • Adhere strictly to industry standards and best practices during the splicing process.
 4. Preparatory Mapping
  • Developing detailed mapping and documentations of the installed fiber optic network and camera locations.
  • Creating diagrams and records detailing cable routes, splicing points, camera positions, and other relevant project-specific information.
  • Providing comprehensive documentation for maintenance and future reference purposes.
 5. Testing
  • Conducting comprehensive testing of the installed fiber optic network and integrated CCTV cameras.
  • Verifying the functionality of CCTV camera connectivity, data transmission, and video quality over the network.
  • Performing signal strength, bandwidth, and latency tests to ensure the network meets performance requirements.

Project Details


Fiber Optic Network Installation over CCTV Camera


Network Infrastructure

